Herefordshire Horse Cremations

Who Collects Dead Horses

For a Herefordshire horse owner, losing a long-term equine companion is one of the worst things imaginable. Sadly, the day comes for every horse lover in Herefordshire to say goodbye. Heavenly Pastures horse cremations Herefordshire is there to help with making arrangements for horse cremation – from planning what you will do after an unexpected loss through to a Herefordshire horse collection and cremation service, with an option to suit every circumstance or budget.

Herefordshire Horse Cremations

Burial is one of the first thing that might come to a Herefordshire horse owner’s mind when the end of their equine companions’ life comes. It is important to consider some practicalities when it comes to the burial of horses: The following guidance is here to help you to make an informed decision. We recommend that you call the team at Heavenly Pastures horse cremations if you would like a sensitive discussion of your options and to answer any further questions you may have.

Horses that were kept as pets may be buried on land you own as long as you obtain the agreement of the local authority and follow any advice that it gives. The first consideration, which many Herefordshire horse owners cannot meet, is that the burial has to be on your own land. Then, the Herefordshire local authority has to agree that the horse was kept exclusively as a pet, as livestock may not be buried in Herefordshire.  Horses that were not pets must be collected and delivered to an approved premises under Animal By-Production Regulations.  Heavenly Pastures Herefordshire horse cremations can assist you in this regard, and they offer Herefordshire horse cremations either with or without returning the horse’s ashes to you.

Heavenly Pastures Horse Cremations Herefordshire

Martlands fallen stock collection recommend Heavenly Pastures Horse Cremation service: they are there help you with collection and cremation services for horses in Herefordshire, covering a nationwide horse collection and horse cremations service. They will give you the opportunity to grieve as their Herefordshire equine end of life service takes care of the practical arrangements for you.

Lymm Horse Cremations 01704 776 976

Kendal Horse Cremations 01704 776 976

Knutsford Horse Cremations 01704 776 976

Bamber Bridge Horse Cremations 01704 776 976

Bradford Horse Cremations 01704 776 976


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