Hartford Fallen Stock Collection

Is It Illegal to Bury Sheep

If you are a farmer that has to deal with fallen stock in Hartford, then call Martlands Hartford fallen stock collectors. We are registered collectors and disposers of Hartford fallen stock and Hartford casualty animals with the Fallen Stock company. No matter if you need our Hartford Fallen Stock Collection service ad-hoc in Hartford or you require a longer-term contractual arrangement, Martlands can help you.

Hartford Fallen Stock Collection

Farmers in Hartford are responsible in law for the disposal of their farm stock. On-farm burial is banned in Hartford and has been since 2003 – this is fort he protection of health. Indeed, the EU Control Regulation says that Hartford fallen stock must be collected, identified and transported without ‘undue delay’ (in Article 21). The Hartford livestock industry can rely on Martlands for its Hartford fallen stock management – you will then fully comply with all your lawful responsibilities.

Fallen Stock Service Hartford

Martlands fallen stock collection Hartford is a DEFRA-approved Licensed Sampling Centre. We undertake TSE (Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies) brain stem testing of adult cattle (over 48 months old). We can collect the animal from Hartford within 24 hours of you notifying us. The brain stem is removed, and samples are taken and sent from Hartford to the VLA (Veterinaries Laboratories Agency) in Newcastle. All Hartford carcasses are disposed of by rendering and incineration.

Martland’s Fallen Stock Collection

It is really  important that you have access to a legally registered and approved service to deal with fallen stock, and with Martlands North Wales you get everything you need for Hartford collections. Our Hartford fallen stock service includes full Hartford post-mortem facilities – we are a fully licensed Hartford knacker’s yard with fully trained Hartford fallen stock collection staff and radio communication between our Hartford fallen stock collection wagons means you get a faster and more efficient service. Just call the experts at Martlands for more info and a tailored quote.

Lancashire Fallen  Stock Collection Service

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