Martlands Guide To ABP Categories

Our Guide to the Disposal of Fallen Stock

Animal by products (ABPs) can be collected by Martlands in one of our specialised vehicles and processed by at our dedicated waste processing plant. All of our ABP processing meets environmental guidelines and relevant legislation, ensuring that they are treated and handled in a bio-secure way. Read our Martlands guide to ABP categories to find out more…

Martlands Guide To ABP Categories

There are three categories of ABP:

Category 1 and 2 ABPs are “high risk” and include:

Category 1 ABPs

Martlands Category 1 animal by product collection and processing service includes the following:-

  • carcasses and body parts of animals suspected of being infected with transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE)
  • carcasses or body parts of zoo animals, circus animals or pets
  • carcasses of animals that were used in experiments
  • carcasses of wild animals suspected of being infected with a zoonotic disease
  • parts of animals that have been contaminated by illegal treatments
  • body parts with a particular risk of disease such as cows’ spinal cords)

Category 2 ABPs

Martlands Category 2 animal by product collection and processing service includes the following:-

  • Animals that were rejected from abattoirs due to infectious disease
  • carcasses of animals that were killed for disease control
  • carcasses of dead livestock
  • digestive tract contents
  • manure
  • unhatched poultry

All other ABPs are classified as low risk, and they include:

Category 3 ABPs

Martlands Category 3 animal by product collection and processing service includes the following:-

  • animal hides, skins, hooves, feathers, wool, horns, and hair from animals that had no signs of infectious disease
  • aquatic animals and terrestrial invertebrates
  • carcasses or body parts that have been passed fit for humans to eat, at a slaughterhouse
  • domestic catering waste
  • egg and hatchery by-products, eggs and eggshells
  • hides and skins from slaughterhouses
  • products or foods of animal origin that were meant for human consumption but were withdrawn for commercial reasons
  • shells from shellfish with soft tissue

Martlands Waste Management

Martlands Waste Management has been operating for over 100 years. We are based in Burscough, Lancashire, a few miles north of Ormskirk. Martlands is a family-owned business that has been trading for over 100 years since William Martland was contracted by the British Military at Lathom Remount for the slaughter of horses unfit to go to war in the early 20th Century. From these origins, the business has expanded over the years into one of the North West’s premier skip hire companies.

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